Monday, February 11, 2019

The CDC Quietly Admits It Screwed Up Counting Opioid Pills

The CDC Quietly Admits It Screwed Up Counting Opioid Pills or "We at the CDC Really Screwed Up and Here is Our Pathetic Attempt to Disguise it"

Once again, it is apparent that deaths from opioids occur from abuse, not use.
The more you dig the more the numbers change, and it's always in the same direction - the number of overdose deaths from prescription opioid medications, when used properly, is far less than the bogus numbers that have been used by the CDC. Based on all these adjustments, it would not surprise me in the least if 90% of opioid overdose deaths were a result of illicit fentanyl and its analogs, heroin, and the combination of pharmaceutical opioid drugs with other drugs of abuse. Maybe more.
It should be entirely clear that pain patients who use these painkillers correctly and responsibly are not the people who are dying from overdoses. But they are dying - slowly - from having to live in misery that we wouldn't allow for our pets as the medicines they need to (barely) function are being forcibly taken away. 
It is 2018 and this is the United States. How did we ever get here?

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