Thursday, August 16, 2018

Suicide Watch - You need to Read This..

Need to read Pharmacist Steve's article Suicide Watch 

I am being completely weaned off my meds, & suspect I will kill myself with the amount of pain I am in, & will be by the time this is over (the wean that is). Already can’t function.

1 comment:

  1. I'm on my way I've thought about it . My doctors office can't seem to get the paper work right to get me back on pain management or even back on the meds that I have been on for years . My pain has not got better so why can I not still get the medicine that helps me . It's been 4 months now that I can't do basic house chores my yard has TRASH blown everywhere due to the dog next door . I'm not going to kill myself but I might have to go to street drugs if my doctors office don't do there jobs . I have had this pain in my neck and back for 19 and a half years now . From a auto accident. My pain is not and won't go away but my pain pills are .
