Thursday, June 15, 2017

Overdoses Will Continue to Rise Along With Pain Patient Suicides in 2017

As physicians reduce the doses without medical justification for long time opioid patients who have built a tolerance over years patients will be forced to the street or worse, give up the fight. 

We need to monitor the death of any patient who has been under the care of a pain management physician within the previous year. 

It's to easy to write off a pain patients who overdoses as an abuser, when the real reason is they were not given enough medication to control their pain, so they save enough to end the pain.

Pain management physicians like the one I see are reducing patients doses even thought it goes against recommendations in the FDA 2016 Pain Guidelines.

When I told my pain management physician that DEA had no mandate to reduce medications, and what he was referring to was a 2016 CDC pain guideline for family practitioners, not pain specialists. He said that "he knew, but now its gone social”.

Like somehow what DEA and the FDA were saying meant nothing and social media was telling physicians what and how to prescribe medications.

First it's fake news and now physicians are ruled by social media rather than medical boards the FDA and DEA. 

The United States has a little over 300,000,000 people, 100,000,000 suffer chronic pain on a daily basis, and we're getting older. Most people I talk to are not afraid to die, they are afraid to die in pain.

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