Sunday, December 28, 2014

Why We Don't Understand Pain

Humans have suffered pain, well, since there were humans.

We had to fight the elements, animals, and each other, and we got injured. God, in his great wisdom, made us so we can't remember pain.

Oh, we can remember something hurt, but we can't remember the actual pain. If we could, we would be in just as much pain, as when it happened.

When a woman talks about childbirth, they speak about it fondly, and would lovingly do it again. If a woman remembered the actual pain every time she thought about her baby's birth, I'm sure there would be a lot more single child families.

If men remembered actual pain, I think we would be less bold when exploring, and fight fewer wars, but would be who we are today?

I guess that's why God in his great wisdom, made us, so we can't remember pain. 

I only hope God gave us the wisdom to show empathy to those who suffer chronic pain. 

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